Shop Local
Creating a Strong Local Economy
SHOP LOCAL is a campaign created by local business leaders for local businesses in order to highlight the importance of supporting our local economy by spending your dollars here in Flagstaff.
Money spent at a locally owned business stays in the local economy and continues to strengthen the economic base of the community. Small, locally-based businesses make vital contributions to communities and neighborhoods; they account for the largest share of net new jobs generated each year and provide some of the most stable employment opportunities in the community. Local businesses tend to have less negative impact on the environment because they are often located in central business districts or in other existing retail areas and therefore require relatively little infrastructure investment. Additionally, today’s entrepreneurs are attracted to communities that value and preserve their distinctive character and local culture- places that nurture an economy of vibrant and unique business.
The Greater Flagstaff Chamber of Commerce encourages you to use the the SHOP LOCAL logo on fliers and for advertising and marketing materials.